If you knew who you were, Moving Image Still 1
If you knew who you were, Moving Image Still 2
If you knew who you were, Moving Image Still 3
If you knew who you were, Moving Image Still 4
If you knew who you were, Installation View: 5.1 Channel Audio with Video Projection, RCA Graduate Show (2022)
It isn’t what it says. It’s what it does to you. Forty thousand words and counting, yet what is it that communicates? A tone of voice, a glance, a gesture, that place where close collapses into touch and kaleidoscopic rebounds into otherness.
With one foot in the real, another in the elsewhere, the transportive capacities of digital effects create space for an opening, by dislodging the senses from the known. In defamiliarising reality, such effects draw on Viveiros de Castro’s notion that, ‘in the act of becoming, what changes is not the subject but the world.’ Rhythm and repetition provoke mesmeric effect, reinforcing the intention that the work be experienced rather than understood.
Purposefully minimalist, my RCA Graduate show installation marks an important step forward in a practice which seeks to sculpt with intangibles. Upending expectations, the sonic precedes the visual, energetics precede the physical, creating a space suffused with sound and light that through motion, becomes alive.